An In-Depth Guide to How Do Snoring Mouthpieces Work

Last updated: February 2nd, 2024

Are you fed up of sleepless nights due to your partner’s snoring?

Do you want a reliable solution that can enable both of you to get some sound restful sleep without interruption? If so, this blog post is for you!

We will discuss everything related to "snoring mouthpieces," from their functionality and ability in decreasing nighttime noise while promoting better slumber.

Read on and discover more about how they operate, different types available out there as well as our top picks – all towards helping achieve an undisturbed night’s beauty sleep again.

Short Summary

  • Snoring mouthpieces, such as MADs and TRDs, provide relief from snoring by adjusting jaw or tongue position.

  • Custom-made vs OTC options offer different benefits in terms of effectiveness, comfort & cost.

  • When selecting a snoring mouthpiece prioritize adjustability, comfort & quality materials for optimal user satisfaction.

Understanding Snoring Mouthpieces: How They Work

couple wearing white

Snoring mouthpieces, or anti-snoring devices, are designed to help reduce snore-related issues.

An example of this type of device is the popularly used Snoring Mouth Guard, which offers benefits for people who sleep on their backs and those that suffer from airway obstructions due to excessive mouth breathing.

The two primary forms of such guards are:

  • Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs)
  • Tongue Retaining Devices (TRDs)

MAD’s reposition one’s jaw in order to prevent any blockage present within the airways while a TRD adjusts the tongue so as not create an obstruction when trying to breath during sleeping hours.

Both MADs & TRDs function effectively by altering either the position of your tongue or lower jaw thus making it easier when you inhale through nose whilst at rest - reducing episodes related to both snored loudly/ heavily.

Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs)

Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs) are a type of snoring mouthpiece, otherwise referred to as mandibular repositioning devices (MRDs).

Examples of MADs include: SnoreRx, ZQuiet and SleepTight Mouthpiece.

They work by pushing the lower jaw forward and keeping the airway open, which prevents the tongue from slipping back—a frequent source of snore-inducing blockages.

Though MADs can be useful in treating persistent snoring issues, some people may suffer side effects such as tenderness or rigidity in their jaws after using them.

Drooling or discomfort due to dental implants/braces/dentures might also occur. The device costs approximately $75-$150 per unit, but requires a prescription prior to purchase in most cases.

Tongue Retaining Devices (TRDs)

Tongue Retaining Devices (TRDs) are designed to hold the tongue and jaw in a forward position so as to keep an open airway while sleeping.

The Good Morning Snore Solution, being one of these popular devices, is suitable for those with dentures, braces or dental implants who cannot use MADs due to temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) or other types of jaw pain related issues. These TRDs usually cost around $100 making it affordable for most people.

The Good Morning Snore Solution works by keeping the tongue at a steady forward angle which prevents it from sliding back into the throat blocking airflow. Therefore, reducing snoring noises during sleep – this device also comes with 30-night trial period allowing users to try out its efficiency before deciding if they should buy it permanently!

Types of Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces: Custom vs. Over-the-Counter

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When it comes to choosing the right snoring mouthpiece, there are two main options:

  • Custom-made
  • Over-the-counter (OTC)

Each has its own merits as far as effectiveness, comfortability and expense go. Knowing these distinctions can help you decide which type is most suitable for your requirements.

Custom made devices constructed in specialised dental labs may provide a better fit than off-the-shelf offerings due to their more personalised nature.

This typically involves additional time, effort and money with costs starting from $1,500 up to $2,000 per unit.

Contrastingly, OTC varieties have several advantages such as cost savings ranging between $50 - $150 plus being easier located on the market along with still having the capability of success even if not offering similar levels of convenience or efficiency like bespoke ones do.

Custom-Made Mouthpieces

Custom-made mouth guards are devices created to meet an individual’s needs, providing a more comfortable fit than what can be found in off-the-shelf products.

Although it is pricier due to the extra effort and materials put into their creation, one usually starts by going for a visit with either dentist or sleep specialist in order to obtain such specialized device. They will take your dental impression and send it off so that the laboratory personnel may craft the item perfectly tailored for you. After this procedure is finished, return there as some adjustments might need doing as well as being provided with instructions on how best use your new custom guard while taking good care of it too.

Over-the-Counter Mouthpieces

Over-the-counter mouthpieces offer a more accessible and cost effective solution than custom made alternatives, usually costing between $50 and $150.

Although they may not be as comfortable or efficient as those that are tailored to the user’s specific needs, OTC devices can still prove successful for many snorers.

To customize their over-the-counter mouthpiece Some opt for the “boil and bite” method: by submerging it in hot water until the moldable padding softens then biting into it with your teeth before cooling, this leaves an impression of your dentition providing you with increased comfortability without making bespoke alterations like one would do if investing in something custom designed just for them.

Key Features to Look for in a Snoring Mouthpiece

older man and younger women

When deciding on a snoring mouthpiece, several important factors should be taken into account:

  • Adjustability
  • Comfort and fit
  • Quality materials and certification

By prioritizing these features it will ensure that you are choosing an effective product which provides both user satisfaction and reduced snoring.

The adjustable feature allows for maximum effectiveness by permitting users to tailor their lower jaw extension accordingly for optimal results.

Being able to experience utmost comfort while wearing the device during sleeping hours is essential in guaranteeing its performance potential as well as enjoying using it with no discomforts involved. Good materials make sure one can trust his/her purchase making certain durability alongside safety and efficacy assurance levels too high up there!


The need for a mouthpiece that can be adjusted to one’s exact needs is essential for alleviating snoring.

Various models are available which provide the possibility of altering their fit, like squeeze mechanisms, wind controls or plastic spacers, making them comfortable and highly effective against this condition.

An example is the SnoreRx Plus with its adjustable tab settings at 1mm intervals up to 6 mm- ensuring both accuracy and security in wearing it. When selecting an adjustable option, important factors include ease of adjustment as well as comfort when using it, guaranteeing successful results in reducing your snoring issues.

Comfort and Fit

When selecting a snoring mouthpiece, it is important to consider comfort and fit as well as the materials used in its construction.

Soft and pliable substances such as BPA-free plastic or medical grade silicone are often utilized for optimal wearability while adjustable jaw positioning can provide an even more secure fit.

Boil-and-bite molding helps deliver this type of tailored experience so that individuals who use these devices don’t have any pain or irritation caused by them at night when trying to get some restful sleep free from their disruptive snores.

Quality Materials and Certification

doctor lady

When selecting a snoring mouthpiece, two key factors to consider are the quality of materials and any certifications it may possess.

It’s important that BPA-free plastic or medical grade silicone be used for the construction as these provide both comfortability in use and assurance that it is safe.

Organizations such as The Information Standard, or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), can certify products which confirm their reliability and superior qualities when compared to others on the market. By ensuring your device meets these criteria, you can feel assured that you’ve made an effective investment in combating snoring issues.

Effectiveness of Snoring Mouthpieces in Treating Sleep Apnea

Using anti-snoring mouthpieces has been proven to be effective in treating position and condition-related snoring, as well as minor and moderate sleep apnea.

Reports suggest that two thirds of all snorers can notice a decline when using this device. It may even prove more practical than CPAP therapy for those with mild to medium degrees of apnea affliction.

One must remember these oral appliances aren’t always fit for everyone. People dealing with central sleep apnea or extreme cases of OSA should likely check into another form of treatment rather than relying on the use of an anti snore apparatus alone. Before starting off it is advisable to speak openly about your situation with medical personnel so you get what best fits both safety standards along with improved restful slumber quality throughout the night.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

Snoring mouthpieces can be an effective solution for many people, but some potential side effects such as increased salivation or tooth sensitivity should not be overlooked.

Prior to selecting a particular model of snoring device, users are advised to research any defects or safety issues that have been reported with the product. Proper dental hygiene and regular check-ups while using this type of sleep aid is vital in preventing problems regarding teeth and gums from arising later on down the line.

Dental Health Considerations

When it comes to snoring mouthpieces, several dental health factors should be taken into consideration. These include bite adjustment, displacement of teeth, and ongoing oral hygiene maintenance along with any pre-existing dental work. It is also important for regular checkups at the dentist’s office to ensure optimal functioning in relation to these items.

A modified jaw position can arise from the use of a snoring mouthpiece which may lead not only discomfort but painful changes as well within the alignment of one’s teeth when closing their mouths together. One should practice proper brushing and flossing techniques while visiting a doctor periodically so that they can detect potential problems or alterations concerning both the fitting device itself as well as all aspects related to the person’s gums and tooth surfaces.

Finally, looking after your gum tissue plus tooth structure will guarantee accurate operation involving this equipment. Making sure protection regarding one’s own personal devices involved in critical denture areas for anyone seeking help due to issues revolving around persistent sleep disruption caused by loud breathing habits during restful nights.

Top Snoring Mouthpiece Recommendations

doctor with man in bed

Finding the right snoring mouthpiece for you can be a difficult task, given all of the options available.

That’s why we’ve assembled our top recommendations to help make your decision easier - these include:

All are highly rated by users and have proven effectiveness in reducing snoring as well as improving sleep quality. It is important that you take into account any personal needs or preferences when selecting one for yourself. Before using any type of anti-snoring device such as this, be sure to consult with either a doctor or specialist regarding its safety and efficacy first.


Snoring mouthpieces provide a viable solution for people dealing with snoring or sleep apnea.

With the ability to find custom-made and over-the-counter devices, MADs (mandibular advancement splints) as well as TRDs (tongue retaining devices), you can pick an option that best fits your needs.

To make sure you’re comfortable during sleep while also taking care of dental health, it’s important to pay attention to adjustable features, quality materials used and comfort when selecting which type is right for you! Don’t let snore interfere in life any longer - dive into the world of anti-snoring gadgets today so that tomorrow promises better restful nights moving forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do anti-snoring mouthpieces actually work?

The effectiveness of anti-snoring mouthpieces and guards may not be the same for everyone, with varied results. It is important to note that comfort levels could also affect their efficacy when it comes to reducing or stopping snoring.

How does the snoring mouthpiece work?

The SleepTight Mouthpiece works to minimize snoring by realigning the jaw and gently guiding the tongue forward, increasing an airway of 6mm in front which still allows for mouth-breathing during sleep. This appliance is crafted with comfortability and efficiency at its core.

Granting a peaceful night’s rest free from disruptive snores. Repositioning the jaw combined with advancing the tongue effectively reduces troublesome noise levels while you are sleeping, all done so without compromising your breathing or airflow through your oral cavity!

Are anti-snoring mouthguards safe?

Snoring mouthguards are often thought to be a safe, inexpensive and straightforward method of minimizing snore. There are an assortment of varieties in terms of shape and size so you can find the right one for your needs.

It should not come as a surprise if these anti-snoring appliances could lead or worsen TMJ disorder in some cases or provoke sensitivities on teeth and gums also. Henceforth it’s important that we consider all possible effects before purchasing such product with intention to reduce our Snore rate effectively.

All things considered, snoring mouth guards appear as efficient means toward reducing this annoying condition while providing maximum comfortability overall from their use simultaneously.

What are the primary categories of snoring mouthpieces?

Snoring mouthpieces. Fall into two categories: Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs) and Tongue Retaining Devices (TRDs).

MADs are designed to move the lower jaw forward, which then opens up airways in order to reduce snore sounds. TRDs also help open these pathways by gripping the tongue securely, thus easing any obstruction created when a person is snoozing. To achieve this effect with both types of devices, pushing or retaining your lower jaw slightly forward than normal helps obtain desired results since it lessens resistance as breath passes through narrower paths during sleep.

What is the typical price range for Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs)?

The price tag of a MAD usually falls between seventy-five to one hundred fifty dollars.


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