Joe Rogan Snoring Mouthpiece: Does It Really Work for Sleep Apnea?

Last updated: July 17th, 2024

Wondering if Joe Rogan's sleep has improved with his snoring mouthpiece? Joe Rogan has shared his struggles with sleep apnea and his experience using a custom mouthpiece. Discover how effective it has been for him.

Key Takeaways

  • Joe Rogan’s search for a solution to his sleep apnea led him to explore various treatments, ultimately finding success with Dr. Bryan Keropian’s custom mouthpiece.

  • The custom mouthpiece, which alters the position of the jaw and tongue to keep the airway open, significantly improved Joe Rogan’s sleep quality and reduced his snoring.

  • Addressing sleep apnea through effective treatments like custom mouthpieces, lifestyle changes, and professional consultations is critical to preventing severe health issues and enhancing overall well-being.

Joe Rogan's Journey to Find a Solution for Snoring


Joe Rogan, a renowned UFC commentator and podcast host, has been open about his struggles with sleep disorders, particularly Joe Rogan’s sleep apnea and snoring. His journey to find a solution for Joe Rogan’s sleep issues and improve Joe Rogan’s sleep quality was not just a personal quest but a public one, shared with millions of listeners on his podcast. Determined to reclaim restful nights and his overall quality of life, Joe embarked on a mission to explore various treatment options, including:

  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy

  • Oral appliances

  • Surgery

  • Lifestyle changes

By sharing his experiences and insights, Joe has helped raise awareness about sleep disorders and the importance of seeking treatment.

Joe embarked on this journey driven by the urgent need to tackle his sleep issues. The constant fatigue, concentration difficulties, and disrupted sleep were taking a toll on his daily life. This relentless battle with sleep apnea pushed Joe to seek alternatives beyond the traditional CPAP machines, which he found cumbersome and uncomfortable.

Joe Rogan's Battle with Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes pauses in breathing or shallow breathing during sleep, significantly impacting sleep quality. Joe Rogan has openly discussed his battle with sleep apnea on his podcast, shedding light on the real struggles associated with this condition. For Joe, the symptoms were more than just occasional snoring – they were a constant source of fatigue and concentration challenges.

The fatigue Joe experienced was debilitating, affecting his ability to focus and perform daily tasks effectively. He often felt exhausted, despite spending what seemed like sufficient time in bed. This persistent tiredness was a clear indicator that something was amiss with his sleep. Moreover, the concentration difficulties he faced were not just minor annoyances but significant disruptions that impeded his professional and personal life.

Joe’s sleep issues weren’t merely an annoyance, but also a significant health concern. Diagnosed with sleep apnea, Joe Rogan’s struggle with snoring and interrupted sleep had a profound impact on his daily life and overall well-being. The need to find an effective solution became more pressing as the symptoms continued to affect his quality of life.

Seeking Alternatives to CPAP Machines

Initially, Joe Rogan tried to manage his sleep apnea with a CPAP machine, a well-known treatment option. However, he found the CPAP mask uncomfortable and disruptive, making it difficult to maintain consistent use. The machine’s noise and the inconvenience of wearing the mask nightly led Joe to seek more comfortable and portable alternatives.

In his pursuit of an alternative to CPAP, Joe investigated various oral appliances and other therapies. In his search for a more viable solution, he discovered Dr. Bryan Keropian’s custom mouthpiece, which promised a more convenient and effective way to manage his sleep apnea symptoms. This discovery marked a turning point in Joe Rogan’s journey to better sleep.

Joe Rogan Discusses His Mouthpiece on Twitter


Discovering Dr. Bryan Keropian's Custom Mouthpiece

In his unwavering quest to find a solution for his sleep apnea, Joe Rogan finally crossed paths with Dr. Bryan Keropian, renowned for his innovative sleep disorder treatments. Dr. Keropian’s custom mouthpiece, designed to specifically address snoring and sleep apnea, caught Joe’s attention. Intrigued by the potential benefits, Joe visited Dr. Keropian at the Center for Snoring and CPAP Intolerance in Tarzana, California, to get fitted for a custom mouthpiece.

This custom mouthpiece, developed by Dr. Keropian, has received five patents and five FDA approvals, underscoring its effectiveness and innovation. For Joe Rogan, this marked the beginning of a significant improvement in his sleep quality and overall well-being. The mouthpiece promised a more comfortable and convenient solution compared to the cumbersome CPAP machines he had previously used.

How the Custom Mouthpiece Works

Dr. Bryan Keropian’s customized mouthpiece operates by altering the position of the jaw and tongue, ensuring the airway remains open during sleep. This mechanism helps to reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea by preventing the tongue from collapsing back and obstructing the airway, thereby promoting unrestricted airflow. Joe Rogan mentioned on his podcast that this repositioning prevents his tongue from blocking his airway, significantly improving his sleep quality.

This design is based on the concept of mandibular advancement splints, which advance the mandible forward, displace the tongue, and widen the airway. By keeping the airway open, the mouthpiece helps to reduce snoring and improve overall sleep quality. For Joe Rogan, this meant fewer interruptions during the night and more restful sleep.

Benefits of Using a Custom Mouthpiece

Using the customized mouthpiece, Joe Rogan noticed a substantial enhancement in his sleep quality. The mouthpiece not only reduced his snoring but also enhanced his sleep efficiency, leading to better rest and increased daytime alertness. Research has shown that sleep apnea mouthguards can improve sleep efficiency and reduce daytime sleepiness, further validating Joe’s positive experience.

One of the most notable benefits Joe experienced was the reduction in snoring. This not only improved his sleep but also had a positive impact on his relationship with his wife, who appreciated the quieter nights. The convenience and comfort of the mouthpiece made it a preferable option compared to the CPAP machines Joe had previously used, which were often cumbersome and noisy.

Joe Rogan’s advocacy for the mouthpiece highlights its effectiveness and ease of use. Sharing his journey on social media, Joe emphasized how the mouthpiece was a game-changer in managing his sleep apnea symptoms, providing a more practical and comfortable solution.

Joe Rogan's Experience with the Mouthpiece

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Joe Rogan’s encounters with Dr. Keropian’s custom mouthpiece have been predominantly positive. Using the mouthpiece has significantly improved his sleep, making him feel more alert and energized during the day. This increase in daytime alertness and energy has allowed Joe to perform better in his professional and personal life, enhancing his overall well-being.

The mouthpiece works by preventing Joe’s tongue from obstructing his airway during sleep, thus ensuring a continuous and unrestricted airflow. This has not only improved Joe’s sleep quality but also reduced his snoring, much to the delight of his wife and fellow podcast host Christopher Ryan, who confirmed the positive changes in Joe’s health and well-being.

Improved Sleep Quality

The customized mouthpiece has drastically changed Joe Rogan’s sleep quality for the better. By maintaining an open airway throughout the night, the mouthpiece has significantly reduced interruptions and enhanced the overall restfulness of Joe’s sleep. This improvement in sleep quality has translated into better daytime functioning and a noticeable increase in Joe’s energy levels.

For Joe, the ability to experience a full night of restful sleep without the constant disruptions caused by sleep apnea has been life-changing. The custom mouthpiece has provided a solution that not only addresses his sleep apnea symptoms but also promotes better sleep hygiene, leading to improved overall well-being.

Convenience and Comfort

One of the standout features of the custom mouthpiece is its convenience. Unlike CPAP machines, which can be cumbersome and noisy, the mouthpiece offers a more practical and portable solution for managing sleep apnea symptoms. Joe Rogan found the mouthpiece to be a convenient and effective long-term solution that fits seamlessly into his nightly routine.

In terms of comfort, the custom mouthpiece has been a game-changer for Joe. Unlike the CPAP mask, which he found uncomfortable, the mouthpiece provides a comfortable fit that he can wear throughout the night without any issues. This comfort has made it easier for Joe to consistently use the mouthpiece, ensuring continuous management of his sleep apnea symptoms.

The Importance of Addressing Sleep Apnea


Effectively managing sleep apnea, including severe sleep apnea, is vital to prevent serious health issues and enhance overall well-being. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to significant disruptions in daily life and increase the risk of life-threatening conditions such as cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Recognizing and treating sleep apnea early can prevent these severe consequences and enhance quality of life.

Joe Rogan’s journey underscores the importance of addressing sleep apnea. By seeking effective treatment, Joe has been able to improve his sleep quality and overall well-being. This highlights the critical need for individuals suffering from sleep apnea to explore and adopt appropriate treatment options.

Health Risks of Untreated Sleep Apnea

Neglected sleep apnea can lead to substantial health threats. It can lead to severe cardiovascular problems, including high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease. Additionally, sleep apnea is associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, further complicating cardiovascular health. These health issues underscore the importance of diagnosing and treating sleep apnea promptly.

The daily disruptions caused by untreated sleep apnea are profound. Individuals may experience severe daytime fatigue, mood swings, and impaired daily functioning. This can lead to a higher likelihood of accidents, lost productivity, and compromised quality of life. If sleep disorders like central sleep apnea are ignored, it can lead to broken sleep, causing daytime drowsiness and reduced overall sleep quality. Therefore, it is important to address such disorders to maintain healthy sleep patterns.

In addition to impacting physical health, untreated sleep apnea can also affect mental well-being. The constant fatigue and sleep disruptions can lead to stress and anxiety, further exacerbating the condition. Addressing sleep apnea is therefore crucial for maintaining both physical and mental health.

Benefits of Early Intervention

Prompt intervention for sleep apnea can result in rapid and substantial improvements. Treatments such as custom mouthpieces can provide immediate benefits by reducing apnea events and improving sleep quality. Joe Rogan’s experience with the custom mouthpiece highlights the positive impact of early and effective intervention.

By addressing sleep apnea early, individuals can:

  • Prevent long-term health consequences

  • Improve their overall quality of life

  • Reduce risk of cardiovascular problems

  • Improve daily functioning

For Joe Rogan, early intervention with the custom sleep apnea mouthpiece has been a key factor in managing his sleep apnea symptoms effectively.

Additional Strategies for Managing Sleep Apnea

Joe Rogan underscores the importance of the following strategies in managing sleep apnea:

  • Weight control

  • Regular physical activity

  • Balanced diet

  • Use of a customized mouthpiece as part of the treatment

He believes that these steps can contribute significantly to improving the condition and overall health. These additional strategies play a crucial role in enhancing sleep quality and overall well-being. Joe’s holistic approach to managing sleep apnea includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle through balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Joe’s commitment to a holistic approach is evident in his focus on nutrition and exercise. By incorporating these additional strategies, he has been able to manage his sleep apnea symptoms more effectively and improve his overall health. These lifestyle changes complement the use of the custom mouthpiece, providing a comprehensive approach to sleep apnea management.

Weight Management and Exercise

Weight management plays a significant role in managing sleep apnea symptoms. Research indicates that weight loss can lead to a noticeable improvement or even a cure for some cases of sleep apnea. By reducing fat in the abdomen and tongue, and decreasing the size of soft tissues in the upper airway, weight loss can help open the airway and reduce apnea events. Joe Rogan has prioritized nutrition and exercise as part of his strategy to manage sleep apnea, significantly enhancing his sleep quality and overall well-being.

Exercise is another critical component in Joe’s approach. Regular physical activity helps in maintaining a healthy weight and improving muscle tone, which can prevent the airway from collapsing during sleep. Joe’s commitment to an active lifestyle not only supports his overall health but also directly contributes to better management of sleep apnea symptoms.

Diet and Nutrition

Managing sleep apnea and promoting restful sleep requires a balanced diet and proper nutrition. These factors play a crucial role in improving overall sleep quality. Joe Rogan emphasizes the importance of a nutritious diet to improve sleep quality and overall health. Incorporating essential nutrients into the diet can help ensure more restful sleep. These include:

  • Tryptophan

  • Fiber

  • Magnesium

  • Vitamins B6, B12, and D

Additionally, supplements like ashwagandha and Tongkat have been shown to support healthy sleep patterns. Joe’s focus on maintaining a balanced diet and proper nutrition complements his use of the custom mouthpiece, providing a holistic approach to managing sleep apnea and promoting overall well-being.

Finding the Right Treatment for Sleep Apnea


Identifying the best treatment for sleep apnea requires understanding sleep apnea, evaluating various treatment options, and seeking professional medical advice. Sleep apnea is a complex disorder that requires a tailored approach to treatment, considering the severity of the condition and individual needs. Joe Rogan’s journey underscores the importance of exploring various treatment options to find the most effective solution.

Consulting with healthcare providers is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment planning. Sleep specialists from various fields, such as neurology, pulmonology, and psychiatry, can perform comprehensive evaluations to diagnose sleep apnea and recommend appropriate treatments. Health insurance coverage for sleep apnea treatments often requires an official diagnosis from a healthcare provider, making professional consultation a crucial step in managing the condition effectively.

Comparing Treatment Options

Sleep apnea treatment options encompass:

  • PAP therapy

  • Oral devices

  • Surgical procedures

  • Lifestyle modifications

All of these options have different levels of effectiveness based on individual requirements. CPAP machines are considered the gold standard for treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and are highly effective for moderate sleep apnea to severe cases. However, they may not be suitable for everyone due to discomfort and noise issues. BiPAP and APAP machines offer alternatives with varying pressure settings that can be more comfortable for some users.

Oral appliances, such as mandibular advancement devices (MADs), are recommended for mild to moderate OSA and offer a more comfortable option compared to CPAP machines. Studies have shown that MADs and tongue retaining devices (TRDs) can significantly improve quality of life and reduce daytime sleepiness. Surgical options, like transoral robotic surgery (TORS) and hypoglossal nerve stimulation, may be considered if non-invasive treatments are ineffective.

Joe Rogan’s experience with the custom mouthpiece highlights the importance of finding a comfortable and effective treatment. By comparing various options and consulting with healthcare providers, individuals can find the most suitable treatment plan to manage their sleep apnea symptoms effectively.

Consulting with Healthcare Providers

Working closely with healthcare professionals is key for accurate diagnosis and designing the most efficient treatment plan for sleep apnea. A comprehensive evaluation by sleep specialists, including neurologists, pulmonologists, and psychiatrists, can help identify the underlying causes of sleep apnea and recommend appropriate treatments. Proper diagnosis is essential for determining the best course of action and ensuring effective management of sleep apnea symptoms.

Health insurance coverage for sleep apnea treatments often requires an official diagnosis from a healthcare provider. Therefore, seeking professional consultation is not only important for effective treatment but also for accessing necessary medical support. Joe Rogan’s journey emphasizes the value of working with healthcare providers to find the most effective and personalized treatment plan.


Joe Rogan’s battle with sleep apnea and his journey to find an effective solution underscore the importance of addressing sleep disorders promptly. From the discomfort of CPAP machines to the convenience of Dr. Bryan Keropian’s custom mouthpiece, Joe’s experience highlights the significance of finding a comfortable and effective treatment for better sleep quality and overall well-being. The custom mouthpiece, combined with additional strategies like weight management, exercise, and proper nutrition, offers a holistic approach to managing sleep apnea.

By understanding sleep apnea and exploring various treatment options, individuals can find the most suitable solution for their needs. Early intervention and professional consultation play crucial roles in managing sleep apnea effectively and preventing long-term health consequences. Joe Rogan’s journey serves as an inspiration for those struggling with sleep disorders, emphasizing the importance of seeking help and finding the right treatment for better health and quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is sleep apnea, and how does it affect sleep quality?

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes pauses in breathing during sleep, leading to disrupted sleep and poor sleep quality.

How did Joe Rogan manage his sleep apnea symptoms?

Joe Rogan managed his sleep apnea symptoms by using a custom mouthpiece designed to keep his airway open during sleep, reducing snoring and improving sleep quality. This can be effective for those looking to improve sleep apnea symptoms.

Why did Joe Rogan seek alternatives to CPAP machines?

Joe Rogan sought alternatives to CPAP machines because he found them uncomfortable and noisy, leading him to explore more convenient and comfortable options like the custom mouthpiece.

What are the health risks of untreated sleep apnea?

Untreated sleep apnea can lead to severe cardiovascular problems, increased risk of type 2 diabetes, significant daytime fatigue, mood swings, and impaired daily functioning, which can significantly impact overall health and well-being.

What additional strategies did Joe Rogan use to manage his sleep apnea?

In addition to using a custom mouthpiece, Joe Rogan focused on weight management, exercise, and proper nutrition to effectively manage his sleep apnea symptoms. These strategies have helped him improve his condition and sleep quality.

What can I do to address my own snoring and sleep apnea?

If you struggle with snoring and sleep apnea like Joe Rogan, consider buying an FDA-cleared mouthpiece such as SnoreRx Plus. It can be bought online without a seeing a doctor and can be sent directly to your home.


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