
Last updated: August 20th, 2024

On occasion we mention a product or service that really makes a great impression on us so we recommend it. All of our recommendations are based on careful research and actual use of the mentioned product or service. As we all know, nothing in this world is free and website hosting, registration, and a number of other costs associated with maintaining a website is no exception. In order to help offset these expenses we are sometimes paid a small commission on a handful of products that we recommend. In all, the vast majority of recommendation that we make are unpaid; however, you may come across a few that are.

You may have noticed the lack of flashy banner ads and forceful sales pitches on snoringmouthpiecereview.com. Our mission is to remain true to our readers by providing; at no cost to you, unbiased and factual information that can be used to help you – the reader, to make an informed decision without littering the page with unwanted ads. Any and all (paid or unpaid) recommendations are made while keeping our mission in mind.

It is our true intention to provide the most comprehensive guide to purchasing an anti snoring device.

All information provided on snoringmouthpiecereview is in no shape or form intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Any medical concerns that you may have should be discussed with the proper medical professional. We are not a medical organization nor affiliated with one.

Thank you for your understand and I hope that you find the information contained withing this website to be helpful.