SomnoDent Classic Mouthpiece Review

Last updated: February 2nd, 2024

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SomnoDent: Does It Actually Solve Sleep Apnea?

SomnoDent Classic is a sleep apnea oral appliance (sleep apnea mouthpiece) which can prevent snoring and sleep apnea in many patients.

Unlike other snoring mouthpieces, SomnoDent cannot be fit at home/ DIY. It requires the assistance of a dentist or sleep professional to get the ideal jaw position and teeth impression. If you are looking for an at home solution to snoring, please see this snoring mouthpiece comparison page.

SomnoDent is an advanced treatment option for people who snore or have a form of sleep apnea. If someone sees some success with other snoring mouthpieces, they may eventually use SomnoDent as a long term treatment option.

Review Contents

Ratings/ Pros And Cons

SomnoDent ratings

  • Overall 78.2%
  • Effectiveness 95%
  • Fitting Process 65%
  • Easy to Clean 70%
  • Comfort 93%
  • Value 69%

Pros and cons of SomnoDent

How It Works

How does SomnoDent work?

SomnoDent works by using a custom impression of your teeth to create two separate mouthpieces, one for the upper teeth and one for the lower teeth. Once they are created, adjustment tools enable the mouthpiece to be moved incrementally, forward, until the airway is properly open.

The mouthpiece uses fins on the lower teeth and anchors on the upper teeth along with screws. As the screws are turned, the airway is opened wider. This is usually done in small increments every night, or few nights, until the maximum position is reached.

Once the mouthpiece is adjusted, or titrated, to the best possible position, it reaches its maximum effectiveness for opening the airway. This is how it works to improve breathing and reduce snoring.

somnodent coat

The above is a diagram of how COAT (Continuous Open Airway Therapy) works when using SomnoDent.

Video Review

Video review of SomnoDent

This is a review of the SomnoDent mouthpiece for Snoring Mouthpiece Review that shows how it works, results of wearing it and how to clean it.

What's Included

What's in the box?

somnodent box

Inside the SomnoDent box you get:

  • The SomnoDent mouthpiece
  • Cleaning tools
  • Storage case
    • Note: your calibration tool and cleaning brush are located in the handy maintenance kit underneath the storage case.
  • The impression of your teeth for possible future labs to create another SomnoDent from

Product Details

Who is SomnoDent for?

SomnoDent is for people who have mild to moderate sleep apnea who are 18 years of age or older.

Does SomnoDent work?

Yes. SomnoDent works to treat snoring and sleep apnea. This is backed up by studies which report 91% of patient has improved sleep quality.

How much lower jaw advancement does SomnoDent offer?

SomnoDent Fusion is adjustable in .1 mm increments upto 8.5 mm.

What are warnings about using SomnoDent?

Use of SomnoDent may cause:

  • Tooth movement or changes in dental occlusion
  • Gingival or dental soreness
  • Pain or soreness to the temporomandibular joint
  • Obstruction of oral breathing
  • Excess salivation

What are contraindications of SomnoDent?

SomnoDent is contraindicated for patients who:

  • Have central sleep apnea

  • Have severe respiratory disorders

  • Have loose teeth

  • Have advanced periodontal disease

  • Are under the age of 18

What are the intended usages of SomnoDent?

  • Intended as an intraoral device

  • Intended to reduce snoring or help alleviate snoring

  • Treatment of mild to moderate sleep apnea

  • Intended for nighttime use

  • Indicated for single patient multiuse

  • Indicated for use at home or sleep laboratories

  • Target population: adults

  • As a prescription device

How is SomnoDent designed?

  • Customized fit to each patient (patient specific)

  • Separate upper and lower tray pieces

  • Works by mandibular advancement

  • Can be adjusted or refit

  • Lower jaw adjustment using supplied components

  • Permits patient to breathe through mouth

  • Upper and lower trays disengage for easy removal

  • Cleaned and inspected daily by patient

How wide is the airway opening of SomnoDent?

SomonDent has an airway opening of about 3 millimeters when fully closed. The mouthpiece can be open wide than this because it is a 2-piece device.

somnodent airway opening

What versions of SomnoDent are there?

  • SomnoDent Classic
  • SomnoDent Fusion

How Do You Wear SomnoDent?

insert somnodent

  1. Place the upper splint in your mouth and press up on both sides, using your thumbs to ensure it fits securely and comfortably.

  2. Place the lower splint in your mouth with the fins facing up. Then, press down on both sides of the device using your index fingers to ensure it fits securely and comfortably.

remove somnodent

  1. Always remove the lower splint first. Use your thumbs on both sides, gently pull the lower splint upwards to remove.

  2. Using both your index fingers and thumbs, gently pull the upper splint down and forwards to remove it.

Is SomnoDent FDA Cleared?

Yes, SomnoDent oral devices are clinically proven, safe, and FDA cleared for mild-to-moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). (see: official FDA form)

Key points of SomnoDent

  • Highly effective

  • High quality

    • FDA 510K cleared as a Class II Medical Device

    • Manufactured with ISO 13485

  • Custom-fit

    • The device is made in a dental lab

  • Non-restricted movement

    • You can fully open and close your mouth

    • You can drink with it in

    • You can speak clearly

  • Adjustable

    • Protrusions make it possible to adjust the device forward as much as possible for maximum effect

  • Adaptable

    • Can work with people who have missing teeth, crowns, bridges or upper dentures

    • It can be adapted to your mouth structure

  • Likely to be worn

    • 88% of patients report using the device regularly

  • Durable

    • 1-3 year warranty

  • Clinically proven

    • Over 15 independent studies have demonstrated the device to be effective

  • Can be worn with CPAP

somnodent up close side on mold

The above photo shows SomnoDent up close from the side. You can see the "fins" which come out from the bottom. These are used to keep the jaw from falling back. They touch against protrusions on the sides of the mouthpiece to keep the jaw in place.

somnodent front up close on mold

SomnoDent can open side because there are two separate pieces.

How is SomnoDent repaired, if needed?

If your SomnoDent requires repair, it can be returned. You will need to fill out this form. Unfortunately, SomnoDent must be sent to a dentist or dental lab before it is sent to a patient.

All repairs, including those under warranty, should be taken to your SomnoMed dental provider, not sent to SomnoMed directly.

Patient Results

Patient tesults of using SomnoDent

Before using Somnodent, a patient had moderate snoring:

before using somnodent

After using SomnoDent a patient tried the device for several nights and consistently had reduced snoring:

Night 1:

after using somnodent 1

Night 2:

after using somnodent 2

Night 3:

after using somnodent 3

Night 4:

after using somnodent 4

Night 5:

after using somnodent 5

Night 6:

after using somnodent 6

The results show here indicate that the wearing the SomnoDent mouthpiece consistently reduced snoring for the patient. While there was still some minor snoring, the level and intensity was greatly reduced. This means that the SomnoDent worked by advancing the lower jaw, opening the airway for the patient. The device was worn after it was advanced to its maximum position.

SomnoDent with pulse oximetery

Note: oximeter used in recording was the CMS50E (learn more about pulse oximetry here)

This is a patient's oxygen saturation chart before using SomnoDent (note there were 41 events):

before somnodent o2

Here is a graph of the oxygen saturation from the same session before using SomnoDent:

before somnodent o2 chart

This is a patient's oxygen saturation chart after using SomnoDent (note there were only 4 events):

after somnodent o2

Here is a graph of the oxygen saturation from the same session before using SomnoDent:

after somnodent o2 chart

What do patients say about SomnoDent?

This is a video which discussed SomnoDent and patient experiences using it:

Here is a video of someone who suffers from sleep apnea:


CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure, a method of forcing air into the airway to prevent sleep apnea. COAT stands for continuous open airway therapy, a way method of keeping the airway open to prevent sleep apnea. SomnoDent utilizes COAT, and is generally preferred by patients to CPAP.

Fitting Process

How do you fit SomnoDent?

SomnoDent requires custom fitting using an impression mold. This impression is best done by a dentist, or sleep specialist. They will help position and hold your jaw in place to get the best alignment.

After the impression is made, it can take a few weeks for it to be processed by a dental lab. The device is then sent to your medical professional who ordered the device. You then need to pick the device up and learn how to adjust it at home.

somnodent adjustment

The above photo shows using an adjustment tool which comes with the SomnoDent device. You insert the adjustment tool into the hole which is located on each side of the device and twist up. You may be directed to adjust the device only a few turns each night so that your jaw can adjust to the new position.

After a few nights or weeks, the adjustments will reach their maximum position. At this point the device will have advanced the lower jaw forward to the fullest. This is when SomnoDent works its best.

Adjustment steps:

  1. Hold the device with the calibration screw facing you.
  2. Fit your calibration tool into the adjustment keyhole and rotate 90° in the direction of the arrow.

Problems with SomnoDent

When first using SomnoDent, it may be uncomfortable as the jaw position is advanced. After a few nights or weeks, this should go away.

The SomnoDent has fins on it that help keep the mouthpiece in place to open the airway. The problem with these fins is that they are not incredibly strong. This means that they can and will eventually break off during sleep, especially if teeth grinding puts pressure on them.

Costs, Shipping Options And Warranty

How much does SomnoDent cost?

Due to the lab work involved, a SomnoDent can cost $1,000-2,000 or more.

The final price of SomnoDent will depend on which dentist or sleep specialist you use. It's important to note that SomnoDent may only be recommended after a sleep study, which is an additional cost.A sleep study may be performed for one or more nights to understand if you are getting enough oxygen while you sleep.

Company Info

SomnoDent Details

Company Name SomnoMed
Business Location Plano, TX, USA
Mouthpiece Type Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD)
FDA Cleared Yes
Total Price $1,000-2,000
BBB Status Not accredited

How do I contact SomnoDent?

You can contact SomnoDent through SomnoMed, the company who makes the device, at their website contact form on:


How do you clean and maintain SomnoDent?

cleanBefore using SomnoDent, you should always brush your teeth.

When not in use, SomnoDent should be stored in its case which should be filled with water. The mouthpiece should not be in direct sunlight.

Do not use toothpaste when cleaning SomnoDent because it contains abrasives and may damage the device.

"SomTabs" are the recommended way to clean SomnoDent. You should always clean the device in the morning immediately after having it removed from your mouth.

Cleaning the device will prevent stains and odors from forming on it.


Cleaning steps:

  1. Dissolve a "SomTabs" tablet in a sufficient amount of warm water in the case. The water should be approximately 95°F/ 35°C. Using water which is too hot can damage the device and invalidate the warranty.
  2. Carefully place the SomnoDent device into the case. All parts must be completely immersed in the solution.
  3. After about 15 minutes, remove the device and small parts from the case. Make sure not to lose any small parts. Pour out the solution from the case into the sink.
  4. After having removed the device from the case, thoroughly brush it with a toothbrush and rinse under cool, running water.
  5. Dry all parts of the device and the case carefully and thoroughly, using a clean towel.
  6. When not in use, the device should be stored in the SomnoDent case as instructed. For most models, this means that it should be immersed in water.

somnodent in cleaning solution

The above picture shows using SomnoDent "SomTabs" to clean a SomnoDent mouthpiece. These tablets dissolve and the water turns blue. After 15 minutes of dropping the tab in the water, remove SomnoDent and wash it off.

Be aware that the cleaning tablets create some reaction with the water so it is best to keep the lid off the case while cleaning it otherwise pressure will build up and it could explode!

cleaning somnodent with toothbrush

After soaking the SomnoDent mouthpiece in the cleaning solution, wash it off. Then, after the solution has been washed off, gently brush it with a toothbrush. Do not use toothpaste or any other abrasive substances because these could damage the material of the mouthpiece.

somnodent in water

When not in use, store SomnoDent in water.

Why store SomnoDent in water?

For the Somnodent Fusion and Classic, it should be stored in water when not in use.

By storing your SomnoDent in water, the material will not dry out and it will help prevent crack corrosion and possible discoloration of the metal components (caused by build up of salts and saliva).

The SomnoDent device should always be fully submerged in water went not in use.

Note that the case is not air tight so it should be stored upright to prevent leaking.


Summary of SomnoDent

SomnoDent is a highly effective mouthpiece that can treat snoring and sleep apnea. SomnoDent, cannot be fit at home, it requires a dentist or sleep professional to properly create the impression. This makes it very expensive and time consuming to get.

To get a SomnoDent perscribed to you, first you need to see a sleep doctor, then you will probably have to do sleep studies, make impressions of your teeth and then have a dental lab create it for you.

If you are looking for mouthpieces where you can make the impression at home, on your own, without a doctor visit, please see the snoring mouthpiece review page. This is a good place to start because you will know if opening your airway reduces snoring and sleep apnea.

The device usually needs to be adjusted, this can take days or weeks to do. It takes a while because discomfort may occur during adjustment, the device is adjusted incrementally to reduce jaw soreness.

One of the biggest problems that can occur while using SomnoDent is that the fins, on lower jaw piece of the device, can break off. Broken fins make the device less effective. They also are a potential choking hazard. The likelihood of the fins breaking off is increased for people who grind their teeth.

Despite the long time in getting a SomnoDent fit correctly and evaluated professionally, it's one of the most effective mouthpieces for snoring and sleep apnea.

Recommended long term, if a self-fitted mouthpiece works for you today.

Consider trying SnoreRx because it too can be adjusted incrementally and does not require a doctor visit!

Overall Rating: 3.9


  • Carl November 15th, 2018

    This is such a racket. My insurance was billed $7100. The thing is so uncomfortable I can't sleep. I'd rather may snore.

  • Derek November 20th, 2018

    I am 52 years old, have been using SomnoDent for about 3 years to reduce my sleep apnea. CPAP is not an option for me, and the UPPP surgery that I had at 40 only resolved my sleep apnea for about 5 years. I had tried over the counter dental appliances purchased off if the internet, but they were a waste of money. They would last for a few days to a few weeks, and then fail in some manner. Either fall apart or stop working, if they even worked at all. I got the SomnoDent after putting up with several years sleep apnea symptoms. The chemical smell when I first got the SomnoDent was almost unbearable. It smelled and tasted so toxic, I have to wonder how many years of my life it cost me. Once the smell and taste went away I was really able to enjoy the effectiveness of the SomnoDent dental appliance. It is easy to wear, and does a good job of preventing my sleep apnea episodes. The main downside for me is that when I sleep in on the weekends, my jaw will hurt for a few hours. I also have occasions where even wearing it for as little as 5 to 6 hours per night will make my jaw hurt all day. It is likely due to the position of my jaw on my pillow, but it hurts just the same. I usually need to take a break of up to a week before resuming use of the appliance. Talking while wearing the appliance is a little difficult, as it's it is a bit hard to get the words out with so much plastic in your mouth. However, my wife can usually understand me. Drinking water is best accomplished with a straw, as it allows you to bypass the appliance completely. Cleaning is easy. Denture cleaning tabs do a good job of cleaning and keeping the SomnoDent fresh, and I keep a dedicated toothbrush just for cleaning it. When it comes time to replace my SomnoDent appliance I will definitely seek out another of the same model. I believe the one that I am using is called the classic. It is a bit on the costly side, but it is worth it to maintain good health. I spent so many years in a sleep-deprived fog, not aware of my sleep apnea, it is good to have such an effective solution. I wish I had discovered this before having UPPP surgery. When I had the SomnoDent fitted 3 years ago it cost approximately $1,200 for the appliance and dental visits. I am sure with different insurance and things being what they are in the healthcare industry, it is going to be considerably higher this time.

  • Lynn May 2nd, 2019

    I have been using my SomnoDent appliance for 8 years and I LOVE IT! It is so much easier to use/clean and no issues with waking me/my husband up from mask coming off and noise. It's also much easier when traveling. I previously used a CPAP which did work, but was a hassle to clean. I was also concerned environmentally since at the time it seemed the sleep masks were automatically replaced more than necessary. That seemed like such a waste all the way around. The specialty dentist, Dr. Brian Prentice (near Houston) who I went through, was very qualified and the whole process was seamless and did not take long to receive the device.

  • Me February 27th, 2020

    Worst product ever. Does not work as well as cpap. Use this appliance on weekends or while away. I have a chip that has gone bad after approximately 2 years of use. Providers are hard to find for downloads. I wouldn’t recommend this product customer service stinks!

  • Bobby Talley August 17th, 2020

    I currently have sleep apnea, and I have a somnolent device that needs to be replaced. I have my deductible covered, but my new insurance rolls over September 1. I still have the dental mold and just need a new appliance. The one I currently have is about 6 yrs old and has cracked since I grind my my teeth. Is there someone who will make a replacement for me.

  • Bob January 13th, 2021

    This device sucks so much. First day I wore it, I woke up frantically trying to get it off because I was in so much pain. I couldn't chew properly or open my jaw normally for 3 days, and my sleep dentist suggested to "stop being so stressed" so that I won't bite down on it in my sleep. If you clench your jaw in your sleep, this isn't for you.

  • Dorion September 4th, 2021

    Terrible pain only on left side of jaw and ear. Dentist is puzzled. I’ve tried his recommendations and nothing works, so I can’t use it anymore.

  • Ms. Ellen March 9th, 2023

    I have had the Somnodent fusion. New user for about 2 weeks now. I’m not sure I can continue using this appliance. It’s caused the pain in my jaw and lack of movement every morning. I can’t close my jaw and my bite is totally off. I’m now living off Aleve everyday. I did sleep better but the side effects are worse. I tried. 🤷‍♀️

  • Nina May 25th, 2023

    Really horrible, toxic chemical taste/smell from the material the device is made of. Washing and soaking lessen it slightly but still very obvious. I have found it an impediment to sleeping and my husband says it hasn't stopped me snoring. When I eventually fall asleep I hope it's at least stopping sleep apnoea!

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